High school students stay up all night for robotics, cybersecurity, and video game tournament

Cheverus High School students Hayden Harkett, second from right, and Brody Gifford, right, discuss League of Legends, the first event of the all-night Thomas Cup on Friday in Waterville. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

About 90 high school students from across the state participated in the annual Thomas Cup event held at Thomas College. This 13-hour marathon of challenges included activities like robotics, cybersecurity, rocket science, and a League of Legends tournament. The event aims to introduce students to various fields and careers, providing them with a unique competition experience they wouldn’t typically have access to.

High school students react Friday while playing League of Legends during the first event of the annual Thomas Cup in Waterville. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Teams compete in a point-based system that requires them to excel in multiple challenges rather than specializing in one area. The winning team, “Supah Hunks,” composed of students from Cheverus and Greely high schools, received $10,000 scholarships to Thomas College. The event continues to evolve each year, offering new challenges to engage and inspire students in science, technology, engineering, and math careers.

The team “Supah Hunks” show off their trophy Saturday as winners of this year’s Thomas Cup at Thomas College in Waterville. Members include Cheverus and Greely students, Brody Gifford, Corbin Richter, Andrew Flanders, Hayden Harkett, and Alexander Wharton, who will each receive a $10,000 scholarship to Thomas College. Thomas College

The competition also includes a three-hour video game tournament featuring League of Legends, which has become a popular and exciting part of the event. Despite some technical difficulties this year, the Thomas Cup remains a strong and engaging opportunity for high school students to explore and compete in various fields of technology and innovation.

High school students play League of Legends on Friday during the annual Thomas Cup, an overnight technology and innovation competition held annually at Thomas College in Waterville. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Overall, the Thomas Cup continues to provide a unique and immersive experience for high school students, inspiring them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and math through innovative challenges and competitions.

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